2023. 10. 26 – 12. 23 l Gallery Simon

Gallery Simon ㅣ Forgetting is Remembering
Gallery Simon is pleased to present a duo show Forgetting is Remembering by Jochen Mühlenbrink and Alex Puz on view at Gallery Simon from October 26 5pm to December 23, 2023. The foggy background of Mühlenbrink‘s painting starts with the artist’s unconsciousness and it derives from an imagination that would also be a part of the past. The vivid water drops appear as flowing on the canvas, and they are the results of the painting from the action that is senseless hand gestures on windows. Mühlenbrink forgets himself while painting and remembers the whole scene when the painting is completed. Puz’s works have duality based on viewing distance: unity and disunity. With closer steps, it gives the impression of being textile almost as silk, and with a further gap, each color rises on the canvas with its sharpness. The artist believes each color registered in the brain with a specific position, and Puz expresses an individual’s psychological circuitry through tangled color lines. Colors interact between pattern and patternless-ness which are processes of self-understanding that are only available within an individual’s mind.
2023. 10. 26 – 2023. 12. 23
20, Jahamun-ro 6-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul
Gallery Simon
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2023. 10. 26 – 12. 23 l Gallery Simon
Gallery Simon ㅣ Forgetting is Remembering
Gallery Simon is pleased to present a duo show Forgetting is Remembering by Jochen Mühlenbrink and Alex Puz on view at Gallery Simon from October 26 5pm to December 23, 2023. The foggy background of Mühlenbrink‘s painting starts with the artist’s unconsciousness and it derives from an imagination that would also be a part of the past. The vivid water drops appear as flowing on the canvas, and they are the results of the painting from the action that is senseless hand gestures on windows. Mühlenbrink forgets himself while painting and remembers the whole scene when the painting is completed. Puz’s works have duality based on viewing distance: unity and disunity. With closer steps, it gives the impression of being textile almost as silk, and with a further gap, each color rises on the canvas with its sharpness. The artist believes each color registered in the brain with a specific position, and Puz expresses an individual’s psychological circuitry through tangled color lines. Colors interact between pattern and patternless-ness which are processes of self-understanding that are only available within an individual’s mind.
2023. 10. 26 – 2023. 12. 23
20, Jahamun-ro 6-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul
Gallery Simon
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Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to yoohee.seochon with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.